What is criminal exploitation and county lines?

To better prepare our care team to provide effective trauma-informed care, we have begun developing our own inhouse training courses that present the subject from both a trauma informed and Life Change Care perspective.

Generic courses can certainly be helpful and informative, but unless the content is tailored to the context of our homes, our teams, and those who they care for, they are less likely to be effective and lead to better outcomes.

To provide invaluable expertise in trauma informed care, we are developing these training courses with the support of JSA Psychotherapy Limited.

We have an ambition programme of course development ahead, and have not surprisingly chosen to focus on our mandatory training requirements first.

One of those mandatory training requirements is “Criminal exploitation and county lines”.

In this new course, we explain to our care team:

  • What is criminal exploitation?
  • What is county lines?
  • What are the impacts on young people and their families?
  • What are the signs to look for?
  • What are the barriers to engagement?
  • What can we do to help?





Other courses released today include:

  • Communicating with children
  • Racism, Discrimination, and Intolerance


Associated Logos
Associated Logo - Ofsted Good Rating
Associated Logo - Life Change Care
Associated Logo - JSA Psychotherapy
Associated Logo - Phase 1 NMT Trained
Associated Logo - TCI - Residential Child Care Project