What we offer


Our services go beyond care.

Our chief investment as a company is ensuring that we are able to provide facilities and services that are suitable for accommodating the needs of our looked after children and enriching their interests. We view this as key to deliver a standard of care that they need and a quality of life that they deserve.

Clinical Psychotherapy

Life Change Care provides the highest standards of individual therapeutic care for each child, while maintaining and nurturing psychological recovery from trauma and social disaffection.

Our team of specialists are experts in an extensive range of interventions and therapeutic models.

Appropriate Facilities

A comfortable and private living space is vital to any child’s development, as is the opportunity to relax in communal spaces. Our homes offer both – with
age-appropriate décor and plenty of choice to help children in our care feel that their views are important within the decision-making process.

Children are encouraged to grow their own food, either at the farm (see below) or in their home’s garden. We also teach them the skills to be able to cook for themselves. It can be a great confidence boost for them to be able to make food for their friends or visitors.


Our homes are safe, with security measures such as silent alarms, window and door locks and door sensors in place. All staff are DBS registered in line with professional standards.

Green button displaying an open palm with a love heart above it

Nurture & Enrichment

The multitude of activities provided to our children and young people are made available on an individual basis. In this way they are given the chance to regularly invest in their self-worth and become more personally empowered with confidence and life skills.

Perhaps most significantly, we make sure that they are able to move on to later independence with a wealth of positive, happy memories from their time in care that will last a lifetime.

Chill-Out Zones

All of our homes include multiple designated calm, quiet spaces designed for relaxation, or just taking a few minutes to yourself. Children in our care can make use of these alone to get some space or do some homework.

They can also use them to talk in private with a key worker or have family contact within the home, secure in the knowledge that they will not be disturbed. Ready access to environments like these is critically beneficial for practicing emotional regulation.

Turquoise button displaying an armchair
Red button displaying a smiling pig

The Farm

Life Change Care have access to a farm property that children in our residential placements can visit to engage in enriching therapeutic activities.

The farm has a vegetable garden where the children can grow fruits and vegetables, as well as horses, which they can spend time with, and small animals, including dogs that they can take for country walks. Both are also used for Animal Assisted Psychotherapy, with guided supervision from clinical therapists.

Stock image of a young girl smiling outside

Pathway to Independence

We prepare everyone at Life Change Care for the future. Our Pathway to Independence encourages robust emotional and psychological independence by committing to remain involved with outreach support, where agreed, to assist a child’s transition to independent living.

Embracing Outdoor Life

We maintain the belief that the great outdoors is an adventure to be explored. With our homes situated in such picturesque rural environments, it’s no surprise that we endeavour to make the most of every opportunity for enrichment and recreation that access to the outdoors privileges us with.

Children and young people in our care are enabled and encouraged to take part in frequent days out in the local area and go on plenty of country walks.

Orange button displaying a tree
Green button displaying a dumbbell weight

Personal Training

One of the more popular enrichment activities that we provide for young people in our care is weekly personal training sessions. We have well established connections with local professionals to provide this service at their fully equipped private gym.

This is an excellent recreation activity that many of our children love to take part in. As you may imagine, this does wonders to empower them with the agency to develop their own fitness, health, confidence and self-worth.


In accordance with our ethos of providing a quality of life congruent with those of children in a typical family setting, we ensure that children and young people residing at our residential properties are given the opportunity to go on trips away during their holidays.

We use these opportunities to encourage the children to build stronger relationships with their peers and carers, helping to give them a sense of genuine belonging. Being able to go on visits to locations throughout the UK gives our children new and varied experiences, allowing them to see more of the country that they would otherwise have ever been likely to.

Turquoise button displaying a symbol of the sun