Psychological and Therapeutic Assessment


Utilising the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT)

Welcoming children into our care starts with a comprehensive Psychological and Therapeutic Assessment.

Guided by the ChildTrauma Academy’s (CTA) Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics, this diagnostic tool helps our caring team of experts provide tailored and trauma-informed therapeutic intervention and care.

NMT is not a form of therapy itself, but underpins the clinical practice that we provide through specific services. The framework takes a neurological perspective to address that certain areas of an individual child’s brain and nervous system may function at an observable deficit when the psychological impact of trauma during childhood and adolescence hinders the organisation of the growing brain.

This can be plotted on a ‘brain map’ that highlights which areas of cognitive function, relational health and emotional response are under-developed. With this understanding, we can ensure that adolescent therapy is pitched at a level that a child can effectively engage with. It also provides us with a formulation for restorative therapy.

Integrated utilisation of the NMT is not just a means of providing targeted therapy, though it is invaluable in that regard. Crucially, this assessment informs us of the young person’s individual strengths and weaknesses in a variety of contexts. The effects of trauma on the developing brain are such that affected children may present at a far younger age than their peers at school or in social settings.

For example, a child who has not yet developed the ability to effectively regulate their emotions will frequently escalate into uncontrollable aggression from a relatively minor experience of stress where other children their age would be able to calm down with prompting.

The NMT provides insights that we are able to share with education services that the child will engage with, so that their unique needs are recognised and accommodated. Likewise, our team of therapeutic care workers are all trained to understand the model and are thus informed of how best to care for each child in a suitably bespoke manner.

It also gives us objective, quantitative data to evidence how residency in our care has allowed our children and young people to recover from the potentially lifelong damage of adverse childhood experiences, becoming more emotionally resilient, cognitively able and otherwise prepared to thrive in adult life.

Evidence-Based Practice

Every aspect of the care we provide is based on evidence-based practice. The utilisation of these techniques places us on the leading-edge of therapeutic care.

Through our partnership with the CTA, Life Change Care represent an international movement to improve the effectiveness of treatment for children in residential care.

Our services go beyond care


Nurture and Enrichment


Chill-Out Zones


The Farm


Embracing Outdoor Life


Personal Training



Information & Referrals

If you wish to learn more about our provision, or are interested in contacting us with a referral, please email our Operations Team on

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