Long-Term Placement


Improving emotional regulation

We give each and every child in our care a place to call home. In many cases, these placements may last with us for years.

We are committed to providing fully-integrated care that reinforces emotional regulation and reduces risk-taking behaviour.

Our commitments extend to providing a stable and calm transition into foster placement, where possible, and to independent living.
We also collaborate to implement educational development plans that enable our children to feel motivated and able to reach for their own personal educational goals.

Our lasting placements are characterised with an experience that resembles a traditional home environment as much as possible. This is prioritised to mitigate the feelings of psychological homelessness, and to assure them that they are wanted and have a place to truly call home.

We have a consistent track record of ensuring that all children remaining in our care are enrolled into mainstream education. We also acknowledge our role in cultivating the children’s relational health. This is where our stable, integrated staff team are necessary to perform such a vital role.

We work with the placing authority in an accommodating fashion to make sure that wherever possible, all children that stay with us are enrolled in mainstream local schools. This provides them further opportunity to socialise with age appropriate peers and forms part of our commitment to ensure that our young people’s experience of growing up is no more dissimilar than necessary to those of their school friends in a traditional family setting.

Where this is not possible, professional educational tutorship is sought and conducted at the home. This is provided with a view to transition the child on to mainstream school at the earliest opportunity, once they are able to engage.

Another way in which children are made to feel as though they have a true sense of home while staying with us from the very beginning of their accommodation is our insistence on personalised décor.

Each admission starts with the child receiving a chest to keep their belongings with their name on it. They are also taken on a shopping trip and encouraged to pick out decorations and other small belongings that we purchase for them. In time, this will help them to internalise the belief that their room really is their space.

All children looked after by Life Change Care are provided with weekly therapy, initialised with a full psychological assessment to gain an understanding of which model of therapy best suits their needs and thus, will allow for recovery and growth. This may be a talking therapy such as CBT, a targeted trauma recovery therapy like EMDR or the comparatively non-directive creative arts and drama or animal-assisted models of therapy.

Life Change Care is different…

We are different because we provide trauma-informed, psychotherapeutic care. This supports our children by providing them with not only short-term support, but tools they can use to continue developing throughout their young and adult lives.

Our methods are different. They work.

Our services go beyond care


Nurture and Enrichment


Chill-Out Zones


The Farm


Embracing Outdoor Life


Personal Training



Information & Referrals

If you wish to learn more about our provision, or are interested in contacting us with a referral, please email our Operations Team on office@lifechangecare.co.uk.

Stock photo in extreme close up of a hand filling out paperwork with a red pen